
Made by Maki is the product of one Ben Maki, living in Prescott, AZ.  He makes handmade wood projects.  Some for sale, some to give away, most just because a thing is better when you make it yourself.

He’s a stay-at-home dad with 4 young children who still nap.  His afternoons are spent out in his shed either working on the latest project or pacing around working through something in his head.  Occasionally he cleans up.  Often he’s drinking a beer.  The baby monitor is on and everyone is calm.  Its nice.

When he’s not working with wood, he’s with his family and if he’s lucky he gets to go sailing or rowing, hiking, or spend some time in a coffee shop writing.  And he very rarely talks about himself in the third person.  Unless its an About Page.  Then it feels weird not to.